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Kościół Trójcy Przenajświętszej na Terlikówce Tarnów

Church of the Holy Trinity on Terlikówka, Tarnów

Zmierzch. Na wprost ukosem oświetlony drewniany kościół. Z wieżą kwadratową z drzwiami na dole, z kopulastym hełmem zwieńczonym u góry. Z wysoką nawą z małymi oknami. Z dachem dwuspadowym. Z tyłu mniejsze prezbiterium. Obok kościoła trawa i alejka. Po lewej tablica informacyjna. Na około wysokie drzewa i bezchmurne ciemniejące niebo.

ul. Tuchowska 5, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146268885
tel. +48 662440561
The exact date of construction of the church on Terlikówka is unknown, but we know it happened in the second half of the 16th century.
In the 19th century, the church came close to being torn down, as it was in danger of collapsing. Luckily, it was saved, which is announced by the inscription on the rood beam: Król cum plebe pia labentes corrogit aedes (“Król [the then provost of the Tarnów cathedral] and the people of God lift the collapsing church”). Today, the shingle covered and boarded church looks stunning. Its charm is increased by the Baroque tower, crowned with a bulbous dome. Also beautiful is the modest, whitewashed interior with a flat ceiling decorated with a 20th century blue polychrome.

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