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Cyclist Friendly Places (MPR)

Cyclist Friendly Places (MPR)

cyclists on a trip
We encourage you to take advantage of the offer of Cyclist Friendly Places (MPR) also in winter. Among the facilities with the MPR certificate, there are both accommodation and catering facilities, tourist attractions and other service facilities, including winter equipment rentals.

Cyclist Friendly Places (Miejsca Przyjazne Rowerzystom - MPR) are service facilities (e.g., accommodation, restaurants, tourist attractions, tourist information, cycling services, shops), which have an offer adapted to the needs of cyclists. In the Małopolska Region, they are located within 15 km from one of the VeloMałopolska routes. The network operates on similar principles to other systems in Poland (e.g., Cyclist-Friendly Areas on Green Velo) or in Europe (Bett+Bike in Germany and Austria, Vitajte Cyklisti in Slovakia or Cyklisté vítáni in the Czech Republic).

What do Cyclist Friendly Places (MPR) offer?

Each MPR-certified facility provides the following services to cyclists:

  • secure bicycle parking, free of charge,
  • tools available free of charge for basic bicycle repairs,
  • current information on nearby service centres and bicycle shops or the sale of bicycle spare parts,
  • a link to our website where you can download print-ready maps in A4 format, GPS tracks of cycling routes or information about attractions.

In addition, in the case of accommodation facilities:

  • possibilities for tourists to stay for one night.
  • safe and free storage of bicycles and luggage during the stay.

In addition, some facilities provide additional services e.g., possibility to wash the bike, wash and dry clothes, charging electric bikes.

How to find a Cyclist Friendly Places (MPR)?

If you are planning a trip and are looking for places along the route where you can have a tasty meal or find accommodation for a night, use the MPR map below. Each type of facility has been assigned a different icon.

If you are on the route, look for facilities with a special designation – the MPR logo. Each of them should also have a certificate inside.

Map of Cyclist Friendly Places (MPR) in Małopolska Region

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