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Kościół świętego Andrzeja Apostoła Kraków

St. Andrew the Apostle Church in Kraków

Słoneczny dzień. Dwie murowane, po części pomalowane wieże z cegły, z barokowymi hełmami i sygnaturkami. Po lewej dwuspadowy dach pokryty gontem. Z boku widoczny fragment trójkątnej ściany wystającej ponad dach kościoła. Niebo bezchmurne.

ul. Grodzka 54, 31-044 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 124221612
The St. Andrew the Apostle Church in Kraków was built at the turn of the 11th and 12th century.
Originally, it was the St. Giles Church. For its construction, limestone and sandstone ashlars were used. In the 13th century, the temple was fortified – surrounded by a bulwark and a moat, and in the 14th century it became the property of the order of Poor Clares. The Church has one nave and two aisles, is a small basilica with a transept and two towers. In the 17th century, the temple was Baroquised, only in the 19th century, after removal of plasters, its white Romanesque solid was brought to light.

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