Jakimi atrakcjami w ferie kuszą małopolskie stacje i ośrodki narciarskie? Jakie nowości czekają na narciarzy? Gdzie można pobiegać na nartach? Jak odnaleźć najlepsze trasy dla skiturowców? Gdzie z...
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Visitmalopolska.pl - the official tourist portal of the małopolska region
Visitmalopolska.pl is a tourist portal maintained by the Marshal Office of the Małopolska Voivodeship. Małopolska is one of the most attractive and eagerly visited tourist regions in Poland.. It is here that one of the first regional tourist information systems in Poland (Malopolska Tourist Information System), of which this portal forms part, was launched.
Discover outstanding places in the Małopolska Region
The visitmalopolska.pl portal, brings the historical and cultural richness of the region, the diversity of the tourist offer, the multitude of cultural events, tourist facilities, routes, trails, and unusual nature, closer to tourists. Such features of the portal as an interactive map of Małopolska regions, extensive descriptions of attractions and a contact database, including accommodation and Tourist Information Points, ease planning both a one-day trip and a more extended holiday. In turn, the News and Events constantly updated modules make it possible to arrange a stay based on current events in the region.
Tourist attractions in Małopolska
The Visitmalopolska.pl tourist portal provides reliable and up-to-date information concerning the Małopolska Voivodeship. It is aimed at people visiting Małopolska for the first time and residents looking for information about current events in the region and tourist attractions in their neighbourhood. Interesting information can be found here for people looking for various activities - hiking, cycling, following the traces of history, cuisine, religion, and winter sports and extreme winter sports, as well as lovers of history, cuisine or religious tourism. Not only does visitmalopolska.pl show the most beautiful places in Małopolska, but it also constitutes a complete database of recommended addresses (including accommodation, tourist attractions, gastronomy, and blogs on the region). It is a treasury of knowledge and up-to-date data and a place for the tourist industry to present offers.
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